
PIPKRA 2020 (Pertemuan Ilmiah Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi ke-17 or the 17th Scientific Meeting of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine) was held in 19 - 22 February 2020 at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. THC participated in this event, supporting its theme of "Facing the New Era: Revolution of Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine" by showcasing the latest bronchoscopy equipment from Olympus and together with PDPI (Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia) or ISR (Indonesian Society of Respirology) conducted an EBUS (Endobronchial ultrasound) workshop.

EBUS is an advanced technology within bronchoscopy modality that combines the imaging processes of endoscopy and ultrasound. EBUS allows doctors to locate tumors in difficult locations and pinpoint the site of small lesions more precisely. Olympus EBUS in particular, provides a proven EBUS-TBNA solution cited in numerous clinical studies. It is the recommended solution for lymph node staging and peripheral lesion detection. Our workshop in PIPKRA helped the doctors to practice to direct visualization of the lymph nodes and peripheral lesions and to perform real-time sampling with improved accuracy and greater diagnostic yield.

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